Thursday, May 14, 2020

Binge Eating Disorder - 1787 Words

Introduction Through time, the definition of the word ‘binge has evolved to mean different things altogether. In the 70s, people binge when they go on a drunken spree. (The American Heritage Dictionary) Today, people binge when they overindulge, not in alcoholic beverages, but in food. Many like to use this word trivially, to describe an episode of slight overeating. There are some, however, who cannot afford to see binging as an insignificant rise in food intake. When they binge, these people gorge and find themselves losing control over the amount of food they consume. They are the people who suffer from the binge-eating disorder. (Fairburn, 1995) What is Binge-Eating Disorder? Binge-eating disorder is a common illness that faced†¦show more content†¦They also tend to consume a lot of what we call ‘fattening foods, foods that carry the social stigma of ‘junk or ‘bad foods, such as ice cream, cookies, sweets, potato chips, and other snacks (Wardlaw Smith, 2006). Studies have shown too, that people with binge-eating disorder consume significantly more meat than (those) without binge-eating disorder. (Cooke et al, 1996) As can be gathered from these food choices, and was scientifically tested, people with binge-eating disorder consume a greater percentage of energy as fat, and a lesser percentage of as protein than those without this eating disorder (Yanovski et al, 1992). Each of these factors can lead to unhealthy weight gain, which explains the commonness of obesity among bingers. Apart from obesity, patients with binge-eating disorder are also generally poor in health. They are reported to have poorer functioning and lower scores on all six scales of the General Health Survey. (Bulik Kjennerud, 2003) Findings go on to show that there is an increased prevalence of joint pain, headaches, gastrointestinal problems, menstrual problems, shortness of breath, chest pain, and Type II diabetes among them. (Bulik Kjennerud, 2003) Bingers also suffer from sleeping problems; Statistics show that they are seven times more likely to experience sleeping difficulties than thoseShow MoreRelatedEating Disorders And The Binge Eating Disorder1578 Words   |  7 PagesBinge Eating â€Å"My heart beat faster, and I began taking bigger and bigger bites. In a matter of minutes, I had eaten two more pieces of pecan pie, two pieces of cherry pie, six Christmas cookies, ten chocolate candies, then a bowlful of cereal. While I was eating, I felt as though an intruder had taken over my body. But when I finished the last bowl, my senses returned a little and I felt the first agonizing twinge of guilt for what I had done. I felt like I was in a dream. I still couldn’t quiteRead MoreBinge Eating Disorder And Obesity1248 Words   |  5 PagesBinge eating disorder, also known as BED or compulsive overeating, is a serious disorder that is characterized by a recurrent, irresistible urge to overindulge or binge on food even when you are painfully full. We reveal how and why it becomes a problem, and what you can do about it. It is normal to overeat from time to time, but when it comes to binge eating, the urge is persistent and seemingly uncontrollable, and is usually accompanied by feelings of shame and guilt. Binge eating disorder, justRead MoreBinge Eating Disorder ( Bed )1245 Words   |  5 PagesBinge eating disorder (BED) is an eating disorder that is characterized by recurrent binge eating, without the use of compensatory behaviors such as purging, as seen in those with bulimia (Striegel-Moore Franko, 2003). Anyone can over eat from time to time, it is excessive and out of control overeating that crosses the line towards BED. Those who binge eat are known to have a variety of health problems, both mentally and physically. The chronic, recurrent bingeing associated with BED has beenRead MoreBinge Eating Disorder ( Bed )1453 Words   |  6 PagesBinge Eating Disorder Binge eating disorder (BED) is a psychiatric condition characterized by the consumption of large quantities of food in a specific amount of time, and feeling out of control while eating. BED also involves feelings of guilt and shame after binging but is not accompanied by compensatory behaviors, such as purging or vomiting. Binge eating is described by â€Å"eating at a fast pace, eating until feeling uncomfortably full, eating when not feeling hungry, eating alone to hide the amountRead MoreBinge Eating Disorder Essay examples939 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, binge eating is defined as uncontrolled compulsive eating, especially as a symptom of bulimia or binge eating disorder(BED). Individuals, who suffer from a (BED), usually, consume, abnormally large amounts of food, quickly. The condition causes sufferers to eat until they are painfully full. we live in a society that accepts encourages overindulging . Therefore, there are probably several occasions on which we eat more than we shouldRead MoreEffects Of Binge Eating On Eating Disorders969 Words   |  4 PagesPurging Disorder is characterized by recurrent purging (self -induced vomiting, misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas) to control weight or shape in the absence of binge eating episodes. (Forney, Haedt-Matt, Keel, 2014) There are many behaviors associated with purging disorder such as binge eating which leads to loss of control, or overeating in anorexia nervosa. (Goldschmidt et al., 2015) Sociocultural and psychiatric fac tors are also believed to be important in the subject of weight concernsRead MoreCauses And Treatments Of Binge Eating Disorder922 Words   |  4 Pagessound fun to you? Life is difficult without having an eating disorder. Growing up eating everything I could get my hands on caused health problems for me now that I am older. Binge eating and anorexia are serious eating disorders that cause physical, behavioral, and psychological problems. The most common disorder is binge eating. Binge eating disorder (BED) is consuming large quantities of food in a short period of time. People find that over eating is a comfort zone for them. The problems AmericansRead MoreBinge Eating Disorder ( Bed )913 Words   |  4 PagesThe three nationally recognized eating disorders are identified as Bulimia Nervosa, Anorexia Nervosa, and Binge-Eating Disorder. Eating disorders, although stereotypically viewed as a lifestyle choice, is a serious and often fatal illness that not only cause severe eating disturbances, but adverse psychological and physiological environments for the individual (National Institute of Mental Health, 2006). These disorders typically develop in the mid-to-late teen years and often carry out into earlyRead MoreBinge Eating Disorder ( Bed )1948 Words   |  8 PagesBinge Eating disorder (BED) is another wised specified eating disorder disease, it is a serious condition characterised by uncontrollable eating, with t he result of weight gain. Regular episode of binge eating are one of the most important symptoms, in fact, patient with BED usually consume a lot amount of food even if there are not hungry. Regular weight control methods or to be on diets are not typical behaviours, as well the purging by vomiting or using of laxatives. The absence of these symptomsRead MoreBinge Eating Disorder ( Bed )2041 Words   |  9 PagesBinge Eating disorder (BED) is another wide specified eating disorder disease, it is a serious condition characterised by uncontrollable eating which leads to weight gain in people (Argas al., 1997). They are regular episodes of BED, and the most important symptoms you often find in patients is consuming a lot of food regardless of if they are hungry or not, they also tend to watch their weight by dieting, as well as vomiting or using laxatives. The absence of purging by vomiting or using laxatives

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